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Con Roberto Re e Robert Dilts, coach di Steve Jobs, Elon Musk e molti altri

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Leadership per imprenditori e dirigenti

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Presentazione eventi con Elenoire Casalegno

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Leadership con Fabio Caressa

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Presentazione eventi con Martina Colombari

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Con Marco Marlia co fondatore e Ceo di Motork Ltd

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Business Leaders Day persuasione 4.0

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A pranzo con Jack Cambria ex capitano Police department of N.Y negoziatore e Sergio Borra Ceo della Dale Carnagie School

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Con Mirco Gasparotto, presidente di Arroweld S.p.a. e molte altre aziende e Gianluca Lostimolo, Ceo di Stand Out Ag.

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Team coaching per Taopach Human upgrade device

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Con l’esploratore Alex Bellini e Sebastiano Zanolli

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Con Simona Atzori pittrice e ballerina senza braccia.

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Con Marcello Mancini presidente di Performance Strategies

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Coach con l’esploratore Alex Bellini

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Con Stefano de Rossi della De Rossi Studio

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Trainer e Coach del team Pasta Sgambaro

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Trainer in Da Manager a Leader

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Selvaggia Lucarelli al Leadership Event in università Bicocca Milano

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